Monday 9 January 2012

To Dance

"To dance, put your hand on your heart and listen to the sound of your soul" 

"To dance is to be out of yourself, larger, more beautiful, more powerful"
-De Mille- 

In the mid 1950’s my grandmother, a beautiful young women from Surrey, was a ballet dancer. Post war society offered only a small number of choices for young women. So my grandmother danced and she adored it. Her passion was to perform and she still smiles as she remembers my great grandmother sewing her stage costumes.

As a little girl she would share her dance stories with me and I have loved ballet ever since. My favourite ballet is Wuthering Heights by Northern Ballet, choreographed by David Nixon. I saw it in Yorkshire which was the perfect setting to bring Emily Bronte's novel to life.   

Friday 6 January 2012

A French Connection

I recently went to France and fell in love again with the French culture and way of life... long dinners, good wine and great conversation. It was the ultimate escape. I spent two days exploring the tiny streets, boutiques and market in Toulouse. I stumbled upon La Bonniere by Enri Lopez, an amazing patisserie and the L'ane Qui Tousse restaurant the perfect place to enjoy une bavette and home made fries. 

I love France.......